hye semua??
apa khabar..sehad x?da mkn blom?
[tiba2 meroyan semacam lak.. >.<]
ok..this is my 1st blog.
seriously, ak malas sbnrnya nk berblogging
niwh..but as most of u requested fer it..
i think why not kan?hahha..actually ak ingt
senang lorh nk register kt blogspot niwh..
but i was wrong...why??
time mula2 smngat nk register..
bleyh dia soh ak wt account gmail..and
i was like..omg! i'm so lazy..ggrrrr..but
nvm..still i've created another gmail account.
but no biggie the mail still same as my old mail..
here it is:
[yg bezanya dr account yahoo mail blakang dia jer!]
xpalahh...demi kowrang xkesah lorh
ak bersusah cket..hhmm..as long as all of
us feel happy..that's enough fer me!~ :))
and i think that's all for my introduction..
intro pon da pnjang cm haperr..mst kowrang
ngntok kan dgr celoteh ak?hahha..
apa2pun have a good weekend lorhh..
be a good readers and followers
for this new born blog..
for this new born blog..
officially of mine... :DD
lots of love, megat<3
assalamualaikum abg..adik hrp abg chat n hepy2 je cm besa..best n menarik ja baca blog abg..it just mcm abg ja yg ckp dpn ni sb abg jadi dri abg bla tulis ni..hahaha..truskn lg update blog abg slalu n jgn pnah give up utk berblog ni..(trutama mngenai khidupn sharian abg)..
adik "myb" lps ni jrg dh nak buka,jd adik karang kn utk abg "kata2 himat" diatas 2..hehehe...