Friday, April 22, 2011

Phone Call..'s time fer a little more personal..

Okeyhh readers,
this is such a personal story of mine..
again yah..why does it sounds like
phone call this time..'cause last nite
my feelings was hurt by someone~ T^T
bila cakap sal phone call niwh tiba2
lak teringat lgu 2AM- You Wouldn't
Answer My Call..yeah, lagu tuh teramatlah
sedeyh and one of my fav song~ 
but right now it's not about kpop lahh O.O

Last nite..someone did give me
a call..and i was surprised by his rude
introduction..dalam pukol 11.30pm 
dia call ak..tiba2 dia ckp "woii..ko pehal??
nak gado?? mari arr..!!" terkesima ak
sebentarr..sbb apa motif tiba2 dia na
marah ak..and i was expecting it's a 
wrong number..but no..he is my fwen! :(

Along the conversation he
said that he currently helping his mother
in night market which i think it's good lah~ :)
such a good kid to help his mum..
it's very unusual..kalo ak mst mlas owh!
but i know he was just joking lah..sbb
mood ak mlm td pn actually bru nak
ok kann..pening psal exam and other matters~
suddenly dia sounds like tat..and he did
ruins feelings and all.

I felt soo bad like
i was pissed off..tros hilang mood
nak berfacebook and watching tv!
(bgos betol ak..kalo stdy xper gk..!) :P
tewos ak mnuju ke bilik and zZzZzz~
but it's ok fer me..maybe i was just
too sensitive..'cause this is me larh..
i won't change the way i am and
dia da mtk maaf pn ngn ak dia kta
dia cma na bergurau..hmmm..
ak da maafkan ko pown lahh! :))
xpyah nak gelabah sgt arr k..

Memang ak harap cgt an
law ak sme leyh memahami kowang~
hopefully kowang pn leyh memahami
and terima ak niwh yg xbrapa na
sempurna seadanya..'cause the FACT is
no one perfect in this world!

never ever repeat the same mistakes again~

lots of love, megat<3


  1. kenape tiba2 dia sound u macam tu?? i mean why suddenly dia kol n said like dat to u?

  2. jangan moody2. senang ja, jgn terlampau byk berfikir konfem xmoody. heheh ;)

  3. hmm..abg sabar k..jgn ambk aty sngt ye...

  4. hey..sape yang brani kol2 nak cari gaduh uhh??terok betol dia kan..x pandai bergurau langsung...kalau i,da x layan da nasib baik dia dA mintak maaf...x patot x patot!!!

  5. mazni..niat dia nk bergurau dia xpndai bergurau ktanya..and i plak snstiive dia da mtk's ok..

    lutfi..haha..thx bro.ak da lupakn ar hal nih..

    adik..ya dik..cek tw..snsitif lbh.haha la da cepuk2 org tuh lg xpa..bnda da jd pn kan..


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